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Very Blessed Week

So blessed that I didn't have the chance to blog~XD

This is my first year joining the Children Worship Conference (CWC) full-time (almost) because our MVP PA men are all not around

It was a very good experience to see the children worshiping the Lord and how the Lord touched each and everyone of them

My job

Edwin's job


Opening message

Child receiving prayer


Meal time~


Sustaining the conference with prayer

After prayer meeting on Tuesday, some of us went for yam cha and we had quite a long conversation on random stuffs and as usual, with Jai Hui around, things just get a lot more fun~XD


Worship time

The next day after Alpha, some of the YPS 2010 gang went to Upper Star for yam cha (again)

It was also Benedict's birthday and we didn't leave the place until we were asked to~XD

Chicken chop~

Happy Alston

'Cakefaced' Benedict

YPS 2010 (just some...)

Well, let's rewind a bit back to Alpha

In the afternoon when Roy and the whole worship team were practicing for the Closing Rally of CWC, all the musicians, dancers and vocalists have their solo parts and me and Beatrice (PA and projectionist) were asked to do a solo~X_X

So I thought of a rap that we could do together and it wasn't easy even just to think 4 lines of lyrics

I was so caught up thinking of the lyrics that I totally forgot I didn't style my hair after I applied hair gel on it~O_O"

When I went to the Alpha, Michelle Sim thought I was 'electrocuted' by thunder and Theodore said I was totally a different person and only by then I found out that I didn't style my hair

Let's rewind again to the workshop~XD

I'm in charge of PA in Hosanna Hall which was the Dance Workshop so I get to watch them dance~

Dance workshop

The day after that was CG day and the meeting didn't turn out as planned but nevertheless it was good

We did the Shoebox Gift Project together and celebrated Xin Xin and San San's birthday (tagging Paul Tan along)



Having hard time wrapping...



Twins and...?


Presents~presents~XD last day of CWC...also the birthday of my dear friend Beatrice and Paul

Me and birthday girl

Closing of CWC

The team that made CWC possible

Didn't have the chance to take photos because was busy throughout the closing

After such busy week, of course we mustn't miss out...yam cha~



Thank You Lord for the blessed week that all of us had. Especially pray for all the children and helpers who joined the CWC, that they may continue to walk with You and that the children will worship, pray and intercede more and more. Bless the whole team who made the CWC possible and bless also Beatrice and Paul in their birthday as they grow in You. Pray for the upcoming Diocesan English Youth Camp, especially for the English Zone staffs. Pray that they'll have the strength and good health to sustain through the whole camp. Thank You Lord for Your strength throughout the CWC and may Your strength continue to follow the staffs through the camp. In the name of Christ, amen.


  1. thank you, my dear friend Nelson~~ and amen~! ^.^

    hehe...the solo/duet rap was memorable xD

  2. Join us in praying for America's Moral and Economic Recovery at Mon to Fri from Noon to 1 PM and Sundays from 6 AM to 7 AM CST


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