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Blessed birthday to All Saints' Cathedral~

Hey~hey~hey~we've a 'birthday-er' in the house that goes by the name All Saints' Cathedral's the 99 anniversary of All Saints' Cathedral today (01/11/10)

It's also a Monday so it's quadruple 1~XD

Cathedral during 6pm
Order of Confirmation
It's also our Chinese and English Confirmation today so wanna especially say congrats to all the confirmees who're now officially our ASC member~yeah~

This time I'm the projectionist and beside me's my dear friend Beatrice

We make a good team and very good partner to each Starbucks~XD 

Go 'Starbuckians'~

Beatrice & me before the service
The service started off with dinner at 7pm and the food tasted as good as it looked nice

Special thanks again to all who helped out in serving food and cleaning the dishes, your efforts really helped us a lot

Waiting for dinner

This really caught my eye~XD

Bishop saying 'some' words

Soda Lime~

Getting their stickers (name)

Sticking on their stickers

Still quite empty

Getting packed

V.I.P seat woh~

Top view

A few minutes before service starts (look at pastor's expression~XD)

z~it's already 1:15am in the morning and I'm still uploading photos and blogging~X_X

Let's see...oh~there were presentations by our adult's choir and children choir and I can say they're getting better and better each time

Bishop's message was very challenging indeed with the 3 easy-to-remember simple points: *Refers back to PowerPoint*

1) Offer your bodies
2) Use your gifts
3) Fan your fire

Bishop made the whole church 'go wild' when he was at the 3rd point and going on about Satay and stuffs with all the sound effects...piak~piak~(applying oil on Satay) pi piak~pi piak~(fanning the fire) and Rev. AK also doing the same thing as he translates...piak~piak~pi piak~pi piak~

Bishop explained how a good Satay's done with all the details that I won't be going to explain here otherwise I'll be typing lots of piak~piak~pi piak~pi piak~O_O"

Praise and worship time

Adult choir's presentation

Children choir's presentation

The 'Satay' message~XD

Be still...

Prayer by Bishop

The confirmees who're members now

She's projecting the last song while I was taking photos for my blog~XD

Photo taking after the service

Dear Lord Jesus, I wanna pray especially for those who're confirmed today that they'll truly follow You in their daily lives. Pray also for their witnesses that they'll guide them in their spiritual walk and they themselves also will grow together with them in the process. Thank You Lord for Your 99 years of faithfulness to All Saints' Cathedral. Continue to guide and bless the ministries of All Saints' Cathedral. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


  1. Haha, good job, you really adapt my style fast enough. I feel like reading my own post. Now I can get some updates over at KK, thanks a lot.

  2. haha...go 'starbuckians'~
    *'like' comment* xD

    Happy belated All Saints' Day too~!


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