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Blessed Day Off

2012 11 08

Had an enjoyable day off with my 'daughters' - Yi Ping and Kai Shwen today

Had the chance to revisit SM Shan Tao (my secondary school)


Went there to fetch one of my daughters Yi Ping from SMST at 12:30pm and went to Suria Sabah for movie - My Dog Dou Dou

Before movie of course we went to Starbucks to wait for the movie to start at 2:35pm (Kai Shwen's idea this time, not mine)

KK is such a 'small' town (met Rachel Wong and Emily here)

So far the best place to study and relax

My daughters and my Starbucks phone - Yi Ping (left) and Kai Shwen (right)
(Would be much better if they smiled with their teeth)

My Dog Dou Dou

Some parts of the movie are great for illustrations and below are some of them:

  1. Man's love is conditional. Ah Ming (the father) who treated the dog (Dou Dou) badly & thought of it as a nuisance became to love it the moment he knew it could predict 4D lottery numbers (which actually can't but the son - Ah Xing who has the ability).
  2. Misunderstandings happen when both parties have different assump
    tions. Ah Ming & Ling Ling (his wife) met up at a restaurant & talked about the past. Ling Ling was saying how good other husbands treated their families & Ah Ming 'assumed' she meant that she wanted to have vacation & all that but actually (I think) all she wanted was for the husband to quit gambling & spend time with the family.
There's also a part where it can be used to illustrate the sacrifice of Christ brought reconciliation between God and man

Overall I feel the movie was good and touching (worth watching)

After the movie we met Rev. Khee Vun and the family along with Cynthia and had some 'fun moments' there

I'm writing this post right before class time so to cut the story short (I'm going to class in 4 minutes) we ended up in PAC after movie till 7pm

In conclusion, very enjoyable day

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore.  Amen.


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