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Nothing like a good blogging after an apple and a good show of Inazuma Eleven~XD

Well today things were quite unexpected...

Firstly, some Tawau staffs and leaders came for a retreat (this one's expected) and I'm one of the drivers to drive them from airport to Kokol Prayer Summit (KPS)

Before going KPS, we went for breakfast (they haven't fill their stomach for 4 hours + their time of sleep) 

One of the staff mistaken me as Danny who's from FCC~O_O"


Do we really look THAT alike-.-?

He started off saying things like next year I'll be getting married and stuffs like that and I was like "Wha...?"

The staff beside me, Lucas Lim, who was my roommate when we were in the GMTI training, was shocked because we talked about getting married in the room back then

He was a bit older than me so he was shocked to hear that I'm getting married next year (which I had no idea)

In the end it was just misunderstanding, the staff thought I was Danny so that relieved Lucas a lot (and me too)

We had great fellowship during breakfast and it was already half day gone when I'm done sending them to KPS

After work (no prayer meeting~XD), Rev. AK, me, Jason & Vinson went for movie - Reign of Assassins

I watched it in Youtube already but since there's buy one free one voucher so I guess why not just go again

It was my first day out with a camera for blogging purpose and lots of unexpected things happened

Before movie we went for Bao Jian Tang to have dinner

As usual, Wantan Mee Soup but without drinks this time (controlling my spendings~X_X)

New Mp3 Player

It's fish...

...and fish?

It was quite early so after buying the tickets, we went to shop around and I brought Jason & Vinson to Present Wonderland (hope I got it right)

There're new stocks in the store~cool~XD

By the way, we went to Suria so yeah...

Doraemon stuffs (sis'll love them)

Notice the 'special' of them?

Rev. AK's cell member's organic shop

Popcorn's almost a must before going in for movie and lo and behold guess who we bumped into?

Yup...our Bishop's new PA & Pastor Grace

That's before the movie...AFTER the movie...

Alice & some sisters...

...and Shilla, Brian & others

What a day for movie!

Alice said something after I took their photo, "We can see who's actually close to who from this" and I guess I agree with her also

Well during the movie I found out that Rev. AK also agree that me and Danny look alike (our style he said)

Then Jason said "In FCC, there's Danny, in All Saints, there's Nelson." and I replied "In FCC, there's Jenny, in All Saints?" and he replied "Not yet."


He actually mistaken us before this and he even said I look like Marco (his cell member) when I take off my glasses~D_D"

What a day...

Lord I pray for my mum who'll be going for X-ray and stuffs tomorrow. I pray that everything goes well. Pray also for Fun Mei who's on holiday now that she'll be refreshed in this holiday and continue to be on fire for the Lord. Thank You Lord for this exciting day. Bless the Tawau staffs and leaders who're on retreat now and let them be refreshed in this retreat. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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