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January~welcoming February~

Wow...didn't know that lots of things can happen in one month...

Lots of things to thank the Lord for

I was surprised to see the 'changes' in the office after a few days of leave and it really delighted me~XD

New sofa in the office

This new sofa had been my resting place ever since it was there

Nothing like a nice nap after a good meal during lunch:-)

Well I didn't mention that I hit into a rubbish truck in my previous posts and spoiled my bumper but I thank God that it's finally replaced and...


On a Thursday night after CG, we went to The Crossing for yam cha and saw some unusual stuffs and one of them... this-.-"

My drink

SCS's drink (ppl commented his 'high taste' of tea~XD)

Well January's really a new season for me because i'm back to student life again (sort of)

I'm in the Moore College External Studies Course and this time it's intensive (3 weeks in a row with 1 week of practical module)

I thank God for this opportunity because it had greatly increased my knowledge and understanding of the Bible and due to me being a student there and staff in All Saints' Cathedral (ASC), there're times I'd to work and study at the same time so it was indeed a great challenge to me

The English class of 10 (including me)

Hmm...let's see...what else...?

Oh~Ordination Service and Commissioning of Missionary (not in photo)

Priest and Deacon Ordinates 

Being prayed

It's been a long time when I continued writing this blog so some of the events may be not in proper order><"

So anyway after the Ordination, our class continued and during the 3rd week, it was the practical module - counselling and prayer

Rev. Kenneth giving illustrations


Before this I've heard about soul-ties but now it's in more detail so I thank God for Rev. Kenneth's teaching though it's just basic stuffs of a big stuff~XD

Didn't manage to take any photos of Pastor Flora teaching us prayer (which some of them we've already learned in ASC) and I thank God in my "I Want to Follow Jesus" class I was able to apply the teaching for the 1st time (though I've learned it previously)

I thank God for letting miracle happen when we prayed for Joanne Lee's short hand to grow

It was really a challenge to me because I'm doing it for the first time and without any booklets with me to help in the prayer and I just prayed according to my memory of the teaching

Thank God for being gracious that after praying for her short hand to grow to the same length, her pain behind her neck was instantly God~glory to God~

Special dish...?

Nope...they're from Chai Yan's birthday cake~XD

Look at all her blessings~

We didn't plan to surprise her this time but she was actually surprised

Well not THAT surprised because she overheard the waiters speaking to each other saying "Whose birthday?" and so she got the idea but anyway it was a success to us:-)

Jabez Cafe

Celebrated her early birthday at Jabez Cafe and the environment was very good as the shop's opened by Basel Church members (you can see verses on the green wall)

Cathedral front

Today (03/02/11) we had a Chinese New Year Service (Chinese and English combined) and received very good feedbacks about the service

The 2 banners write: 圣徒建造民加增,诸信扎根果多倍 which means believers built up, numbers of people / believers (I think) increase, all believers rooted and fruitful in Christ (something like that)

I'll try to get the recordings of the 2 presentations in the service and post it here (if possible)

I'll continue regarding Chinese New Year stuffs in the next post just to keep you all in suspense...or not~XD

And now...



This panda's a prize that I won in a fun fair long~long~long~long~LONG~time ago when I was 2 I think

According to my mum, I just threw all the balls into the holes according to the rules of the game and to my mum and everyone's surprise, it all went in to the grand prize (panda) and when I was given the panda, (my mum said) the crowd clapped their hands

It's gonna be sent for cleaning so I may wanna put it in my room from now on to remind myself not to be a panda><" (lack of sleep)

Nelly enjoying bubble spa:-)

Giving Nelly some scratches on his back and helping him up~XD

Finger bitten by Nelly

Well I was bitten because I wasn't looking at the moment that I fed him so he aimed a bit too high-.-"

I may consider changing his name...many people misunderstand him being a she><"

I thought of the name Nelly because it's Nel-ly so it was meant to be a safe name for both male and female

During the first year I thought Nelly's a she but after a year (in some circumstances) I found out that Nelly's a he-.-"

Wow...such a long post...I wonder if anyone'll read it~XD

Lord I thank You for the fruitful month of January. Thank You Lord for the new challenges that molded me to be more and more like You. Pray that Lord You'll continue to bless me, making me a blessing to people around me. In the coming month of February, as we're all celebrating Chinese New Year and for some, Valentine's Day, help us Lord to glorify Your name in all we do. Help me to seek first Your Kingdom and not 'my kingdom'. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name, amen.


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