Skip to main content year, new challenge, new all the way~

2011's gonna be a really NEW year for me but before that, I would like to share this video that i recorded during Children's Christmas Celebration~XD


Well before I go into the new year, let me post some photos on some of our gatherings

On 27th some of the youths went to Tanjung Aru for an outing

Just an informal outing to hang out and have fun

Tanjung Aru Beach

Girls watching...

...boys pushing around and then...

...their turn~XD

Yam cha~

On 30th we had our youth leader's gathering at Jai Voon's house

The ones who were asked to start the fire at 6pm had a difficult time starting up the fire

Is it edible-.-?

It's white though BBQed

Our gift from pastor



Paul's final dish

Here's a video of my dear friend Xavier Lai singing~XD

So coming back to 2011...I received a letter on 29th that'll really change my life in 2011

It's a letter from Bishop Albert Vun saying I'll be sent to STS for theological studies in 2011~

Was quite surprised seeing the letter and I'll be studying for the next 3 years but as for the date of going in, I'm not informed yet so I'll keep this updated on Facebook:-)

31st, thanksgiving prayer meeting

Same as last year, after a praying, we'll release balloons and each colour represents different zones and prayer items (I don't really remember which's which though)

The projectionists

P&W Team


Praise the Lord~

The different effects of dancing tambourine for 8 songs


Lo family

Thank God for him

Thank God for them

Finally done~

15 seconds...

5 seconds...

Blessed new year~

Welcome to the 2nd second of 2011~XD

Vinson's birthday


And now...


It's been awhile since I last saw Vun Fui and after service on 01/01/11, we went yam cha and he was there too

Vun Fui & me

On the 2nd was our staff dinner at Kokol Prayer Summit and it was extremely good

I'll let the pictures do the talking~XD


YPS 2010

Lamb & pork~


Mount Kinabalu at around 6pm+

Workers behind the scene to fill our stomach~


Canon Yong leading worship!


Tempura Corner


All of us ate until we literally can't fill ourselves up anymore><"

Thanks to all who're involved in preparing the whole thing and making it possible:-)

Lord thank You for the year 2010, all the hardships, joy, sorrow, challenges and blessings. Thank You for preparing me for the coming 2011 in STS. I pray that I'll be able to adapt to all the changes that're going to happen soon. I pray also in the coming 2011, I'll be refreshed and full of fire to glorify God - my work, studies, relationships, ministries, etc. Pray also for everyone that in the coming 2011 they'll all be full of fire throughout the whole year in serving You wholeheartedly and be Your witness in their social network. Thank You also for Your healing upon those who were sick - Edwin, Mervin & Vinson. Pray also for Pastor Henry and Pastor Alice whose youngest son had an accident, pray for Your divine healing to be upon him and grant Pastor Henry and Pastor Alice peace in their heart. Pray for 2011 that All Saints' Cathedral'll be fruitful and all of us'll be fruitful and bring glory to Your name. Thank You Lord, praise You Lord, in the name of Christ, amen.


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