2012 08 28 Today we had a farewell dinner for Jai Voon who'll be going Penang soon. I've realized how much I love to welcome people to my house for gatherings. I've also realized how much their presence at my house brought tremendous joy to my heart that I wished it'll stay that way or at least for a bit longer. As they were leaving, I was sitting there and thinking 'How great'll be if this gathering'll keep going on' but thanks be to God that someday I'll be able to live forever in the presence of God along with other redeemed people of the Lord. Prayer of blessing for Jai Voon “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3 NIV) Lord I thank You for You've created us to have fellowship with You as well as with one another. I pray that our fellowship'll be stronger everyday and when we gather, people will see and know we're Your disciples. Bless Jai Voon...
Power of Sharing Thoughts: a space for sharing thoughts and a little bit of life.